Hubungi Kami
+6231 58289903
Konsultasi via Telepon
+62 8111289910
Buat janji temu
Kupang Indah VIII No. 49 Surabaya
Buat janji temu
JB Tower, Lt.10 , Jakarta
+6231 58289903
+62 8111289910
Kupang Indah VIII No. 49 Surabaya
JB Tower, Lt.10 , Jakarta
Analysis of the market as a whole and its particular components (competitors, consumers, product, etc.)
Analysis of internal processes & procedures, staff activity evaluation, evaluation of technologies.
Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing.
We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination.
Integrating of innovation and public benefit into your workflows; ensuring strategic and sustainable.
We identify the mission, goals and strategic priorities of a business project or non-profit organization.
Kami memiliki pakar yang siap membantu bisnis anda.
Konsultasikan keluhan perizinan dan sertifikasi sekarang.
Konsultan profesional di bidang perizinan dan sertifikasi yang siap membantu kesuksesan bisnis anda.